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Marble Swirl black and white circle
Marble Swirl black and white circle
ReFuture Psychic Icon
ReFuture Psychic eye icon with purple gradient


A planet with a flower in front of it in a neon color scheme.

No Future Telling,
Only Future Making

here we create our futures by taking ownership of our psychic abilities.
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marble orb with moon flower center

You Are Psychic

everyone who senses and perceives energy also has the power to read and direct it.


Being Psychic
is being Human
in owning your psychic abilities, you’ll be able to live more deeply in your body. when you work with energetics in an embodied way, dreams become your day to day reality.
Dark planet with futuristic flower floating in front


Refuture psychic
ReFuture Psychic Icon
Refuture psychic
ReFuture Psychic Icon
Refuture psychic
ReFuture Psychic Icon
Refuture psychic

Get a quickie

get a quick 30 minute reading or 30 minute session to brush up on your psychic education skills. perfect if you have one specific thing you need a reading on. perfect if you're practicing your psychic skills after a full 90 minute education session and want to hone in on certain techniques.
get a quickie sessions are set up to make sure you don't plateau and can continue creating the future that's true to you.
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Psychic readings

get seen in a full 60 min long reading. using a carefully crafted combination of clairvoyant and energy healing techniques, receive a reading on anything you are needing support with.
psychic readings are custom-made to support the unique needs of each person. they are designed to move out any stuck energy that may be getting in the way of someone’s ability to access their own energy and information. psychic readings can also supplement educational work when you are in need of a healing container.
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Psychic Education

learn how to be your own psychic in these 90 minute sessions. this is where you really learn how to change your life. get to know how your sensitivities function and how to direct energy. you don't need to rely on anyone else for your answers, these tools allow you to read yourself with empowerment. this is also where you can learn to read others in a healthy way.
great for any highly sensitive person or for seasoned psychics wanting to give more sophisticated readings.
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Refuture Psychic
ReFuture Psychic Icon
Refuture Psychic
ReFuture Psychic Icon
Refuture Psychic
ReFuture Psychic Icon
Refuture Psychic
neon orb with cool flower like hand shape



becky is building a space for creatives, sensitives, activists and healers looking to gain a better understanding of how to harness their psychic abilities. most of us grew up with false and campy narratives of what it means to be psychic. as kids, we had access to magic and intuition but over time we lost it. we’re told there are only a rare few strange or gifted individuals who have the power to see into our future and communicate with our spirit. those of us practicing ethically know that’s not true. we all have access to our own brilliant information and we all have free will. an untrained psychic might only see the programming and karma you came into being with, this can reinforce patterns that keep you stuck.
being psychic at this moment in time is about creating intimacy with the spirit of you and bringing it into your body. from there, your life and dreams merge into a presence on this planet that is a reflection of your true unique life force. that’s how dreams become real. some of us did not grow up with the privilege to dream about our Future Self, or what Rachel Cargle calls our, Chosen Self, because of the violent and oppressive systems we developed within. this is a space to reconnect with the spirit of you and bring it forward in building a life with autonomy. and, we don't do that with esoteric concepts, we do that with practical and functional tools and techniques.

to all of the out-of-control empaths and trauma survivors handling too much of what isn’t theirs to fix and solve: the depths and intensity of pain that you handle is a mirror to the depth and intensity of joy and magic that you can hold in your human experience. and to all of the curious folks steeped in the wonderment of the unseen world, it is yours to bring into your everyday life. you are here to impact the course of evolution, let’s get to it.


ReFuture Psychic can help you develop your natural psychic abilities and take them to the next level through Psychic Education sessions. learning how to be your own psychic is how you create intimacy with the spirit of you and rebuild your life. Readings are also offered to help you gain clarity on what your answers are amidst all of life's drama. we all need mentorship finding our truth sometimes.


ReFuture Psychic is the passion project of Becky Levi (she/her), formerly known as No Future Psychic. after spending a few years debunking myths about ‘future telling’ as Sanctuary Astrology’s psychic consultant and in her private practice, she is building a new future-forward space.

becky has been training since 2012 and teaching since 2015. She is a graduate of the Clairvoyant, Astral Body, Women’s Training, and Teacher Training Programs at InVision: A school for people with psychic abilities in Chicago, where she later taught meditation. she credits her teachers at Invision for the development of her skills in a grounded, safe, and body centered way.

she is also beginning Somatic Experiencing (SE) training in 2025 to become a certified somatic therapist. this will allow her to guide the people she works with in integrating the energetics of the spirit into the nervous system.
descending from Jewish Egyptian refugees influenced the way becky saw and understood the world, as did growing up in a highly traumatic environment. she believes that some of us come into this world with psychic gifts and that trauma can exacerbate or distort them. this can make people feel othered and disconnected to people and the planet.  helping others to reclaim their abilities and their connection to the spirit of themselves is her life's devotion.

in life what she values most is prioritizing creative expression, anti-zionism as a community building practice, reparations advocacy and decolonization. becky has also developed a successful career as a post-production producer and is a vocalist and songwriter.
purple illustration of pixel eye with distorted text that says "knowing"
blurry neon orb


As a fellow working intuitive, one of the things that most impresses me about Becky’s practice is the way she encourages and empowers her clients to strengthen their own intuition and find their own truth. Not only is Becky highly ethical, but she’s wildly compassionate - she wants the highest good for all clients and the world. You can feel this in every reading. Becky is constantly honing her skills to be able to give the cleanest, clearest, most magical readings possible. I’ve learned a tremendous amount from Becky and am grateful to feel the positive ripple effect of her work in action.
Greta Morgan
Musician, Writer
My work with Becky has been profound in my healing journey. Her ability to pick up low vibrational archetypal energy that was not mine is truly amazing. She was able to help me clear a lot of ancestral trauma that I was operating off of in order to connect and feel more of my own essence. She has a calm and gentle nature which works well for me as a HSP. She is non-judgmental and has helped me approach myself in a non-judgmental and compassionate way...something I've always struggled with. I'm so thankful I have connected with her and will continue to work with her as needed!
Jackie Justice
Healer, Realtor
”My work with Becky has been sacred and transformational, targeting the deepest part of my woundings that I truly desired assistance to face and navigate. Becky offers you a grounded lens at getting to uncover your version of truth in the many ways we seek to experience it within this life. More than anything, she provides a container of deep safety so that you can learn to feel and move through what is real for you at any given moment. If you long for self-acceptance, heart healing and to feel more grounded in your authentic trajectory… beginning work with Becky has truly been a wholistic threshold of self-ownership I am grateful to experience.”
Frankie Tobin
Working with Becky has been extremely impactful in my life in many ways. I am now able to understand how to take charge of my own energy and clear what is no longer mine to carry. Becky has a gift at being able to make the root point of underlying tension conscious so that it can be cleared. Her work has helped me take ownership and step into greater alignment. I am grateful for her readings as well as her psychic education sessions, both empowered me to take charge of my own system. Thank you, Becky.
Bree VanZutphen
Clarity Calm
Becky was recommended to me by a friend when my life seemed pretty stable and solid. I went to her originally out of curiosity because I saw in my friends eyes the way he was in awe of her. I quickly learned for myself how powerful it was to work with her. In one session I felt more seen for who I truly am in my whole life. I felt seen and heard. The way she reflected myself back to me was so fulfilling and felt so right. It was like someone articulating who you are better than even you ever could. I learned a lot about myself. I healed some parts of myself that I would have never known needed healing. In future sessions, when I was going through one of the darkest times in my life, she helped me to see how my true self had been interacting within it. It gave me clarity, strength, healing, peace, and challenged me to go deeper. She taught me how to connect to the Earth’s energy and let things go. She is a magical person who changed my life for the best in only a few conversations. And I am forever grateful.
Julie Craig
Becky has a gift. It’s very easy to find someone who claims to be tapped in when all they are doing is repeating words they’ve heard other intuitives use. Becky clears energy and taps into the heart of the question. She also empowers you with the tools to know that you don’t need to go around searching for answers from everyone but yourself for the rest of your life. You are the answer and have always been the answer. She helps you unlock that.
Morgan Karr
Becky’s work is beyond what most would imagine when stepping into spiritual growth and healing. She grounds into an energy that is pure, impactful, and transformative. There is so much value in both how she reads and how she heals. Her work continues to heal you far beyond your session. If you’re seeking change, truth, healing, grounding, expansion, and more - you’ll find it with her.
Ariel Lask
Your Spiritual Side
Working with Becky has been instrumental in my healing journey and has allowed me to fully lean into my growth period. Becky's guidance has helped me stay connected to myself as I become more aware of the energy around me and what I am inviting in, allowing me to have more trust in myself and my journey. She shares her insight with grace and in a way that is easy to make sense of and apply to everyday life. I cannot recommend working with Becky enough as her skill and talent are a true gift.
Kathleen Cruger
Yoga Instructor


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